Monday 24 January 2022

18 months

The Prime Minister says he ttakes accusations of Islamophobia seriously, so seriously he did nothing about them for 18 months until the former Minister involved wrote about it yesterday in the Sunday Times.

Now there is to be an inquiry by the Cabinet Office.

Remember what Sir Humphry says; "only hold an inquiry if you already know the findings"

Which is why Nusrat Ghani issued the following statement:

"I look forward to seeing the terms of reference"

And this is the killer, as it is the PM who sets those terms, who will carry out the inquiry ad what weight the findings, if any, will carry. As it stands, the PM himself decides if the Ministerial Code has been broken, and he has already overrulled two inquiries into Ministers breaking the Ministerial Code.

It doesn't bode well.

And remember, this is the same Government, which, with a straight face, issued a report saying there was no institutional racism in the UK. Headed by a man who described Muslim woment was "pillar boxes".


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