Wednesday 26 January 2022

Judgement delayed

Yesterday was Wednesday, so PMQs. And it had been expected that Sue Gray's report would have been published by then.

But it seems despite being finished, some last minute editing/review was being carried out, which gave Johnson the chance to be bullish, which is his default setting.

Other than lying.

He did seem to agree to release the report in full when received, though there was enough wiggle room in what he said to not do that, we shall see.

So, we enter another day of partygate with many speculating what it might or not contain and whether anything will be redacted.

And whether Johnson will brave it out.

The Mail has been wholehearted in its support, and that spread to other right wing titles today. But again it was the Star pointing out on its front page the four lies told at the Disptach Box yesterday.

Johnson has nothing to claim responsability for others work, or for stuff that isn't actually true, and blame someone, anyone else, for any failures.

He ended by claiming to be surprised to find the very thing he negotiated in the NIP is what the EU is holding them to, and has split the UK single market.

He was either stupid or lying. Or both.

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