Thursday 13 January 2022

Wednesday 12th January 2022

I am still nearly writing 2021, I get to 202 with finger hovering over the one before remembering. Happened every day when writing the daiy blog so far this year.

So it goes, so it goes.

The dull grey weather of the last two days was swept away and replaced with clear skies. Dark at half five, of course, but soon dwn's first light showed the horizon. Jools has a mini-me to train in her image from Monday, so hopefully these hectic weeks and months are drawing to an end for her. BUt because of the three hours spent interviewing on Tuesday, she is even more behind than usual, so leaves for work just after six, leaving me once again with just a half cup of coffee, four sleeping cats and the sum of all human knowledge via the internet.

Twelve However will I cope?

I will manage.

There is a small wedge of bread left, so I cut that in half and toast it, smother with nutella and have wth a second coffee. I mean, if that's not food of the gods, I don't know what is. Apart from stawberry jam and salt and vinegar sandwiches that is.

Accessing Aidan I have some preparation work to do, now that the presentation is done, I now have to actually do the task. I have to understand the mess its in now before I pitch my changes next week. I have a copy of the ISO standard and a copy of the old procedure.

Accessing Aidan And off we go.

And all is good for a couple of hours, and the I get the flashing lights in my vision meaning a migraine is coming. So, first off, set an out of office message and then go upstairs to lay down in the dark for an hour.

A walk in the long shadows Then go out and get some sunshine and phys.

Oh, I may as well take a camera or two, then.

Which I do.

It is mightly muddy off the tracks, over the field there is a wide muddy scar where the path goes. I pass a dog walker, we wish each other a good day and I walk on.

A walk in the long shadows The two Shetland ponies had a new bale of hay to munch on, and they took no notice of me.

I walk on, past a robin who wasn't scared. But then neither was I. I wish him good morning and take his picture too.

A walk in the long shadows I go down past the farm, through the mud bath at the bottom of the hollow, then up the other side. No buzzard at the top by the ponies this time, and I was ready, holding the camera like a GI on patrol.

A walk in the long shadows I take the second track, the one before Windy Ridge, and head back home, through more mud baths, and see no new wild flowers in bloom.

Back home, there is time for a brew before I go back to work, though I won't do any studying of processes so I can get through the afternoon.

A walk in the long shadows I get to three and switch the computer off, making do with the radio on instead of the computer.

Dinner is easy peasy, fishcakes, stir fry and noodles. Yummy and easy to cook.

Jools reports that there is lines of trucks waiting to get into Dover, but not too bad so far, thus delaying her getting home by five minutes.

For my torture, there is football to follow on Twitter and to watch. Norwich were away at West Ham, an improvement, but still slump to a 2-0 defeat at West Ham. That's just eight goals in 20 games this season. Its not good, is it? Meanwhile, Chelsea troll to a 1-0 win on the night and so win the tie in the League Cup against that Tottenham Hotspurs.

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