Tuesday 25 January 2022

Monday 24th January 2022



You know I said at weekends we could lay in until lunchtime, and never do? Well, Monday morning I sleep through the alarm, Jools getting up and going down stairs, feeding the cats, Poppy getting off the bed, Poppy getting back on the bed and she going back to sleep.

I wake up at quarter past six with Jools going for a shower.

There is coffee downstairs, so I go hunting for it.

Jools is busy getting ready for work, though not so urgent as before now there is two in purchasing again, so she goes for a quick walk before leaving for work. Turns out she was even late for work, thus clawing back some of the overtime already owed.

I get the work laptop and screen ready, log in for seven, though being a Monday there are updates to install, and half the apps and programs don't work, so reboot the computer.

It is by then half seven, and I have another day reviewing documents.

In a change from the usual, I have crumpets for lunch instead of having to make bread. I bought a pack of nine crumpets planning on having three each day for the week. That was the plan. So, just fruit for breakfast, crumpets for lunch and then dinner with Jools. No toast to have as an extra course for breakfast.


I get to work reviewing documents, and just as I think I am getting to the end of the last, a new one appears. I have no idea when this is ever going to end. Now on my 6th day and there is only so much document management management one person can put up with. That's all I'm saying.

Turns out three crumpets are not enough, so an hour after scoffing them I hit the crackers and have some smothered in butter, because they're healthy are they not? No, Ian, they are not.


Outside is is even greyer than ever, gloomier than ever and cold. Buggered if I'm going out for a walk.

There. I said it.

So, I begin to panic about the picture of the day, at one point snapping my changing the kitty litter in the downstairs tray.

Twenty four It wasn't until I was cooking and looked at the colours of the stir fry that I see that would make a better picture, but not that representative of my day. A more suitable shot would be one of boredom. Maybe a freshly painted wall or something?

Fishcakes, stir fry and rice.

Jools arrives home after getting through the traffic, about twenty minutes late, but did OK.

We eat, talk about our days, and once cleared up eat the last of the chocolate from the pantry with the final coffee of the day.

I watch footbal on the tellybox, Jools does beading. The evening passes.

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