Sunday 30 January 2022

Police and liars

On the streets.

Oh yeah.

I have been putting off this post regarding "partygate" and the Sue Gray report becuae, I have been busy, and rather than write a minute by minute, wait to see what the endgame was.

And for a time, I thought I was right, that the Police had asked the report to be part redacted because there was some possibility of more serious crimes.

And then it turned out all the crimes were going to be was fixed penalty noticed, nothing to prejudice a trial (by jury), so was about limiting damage to policitians.

Common or garden police corruption, then.

With the invasion of Ukraine in the offing, and Johnson acting the elder statesman and I have better things to be dealing with, and the Mail on Sunday suggesting that there were serious issues than a lying Prime Minister, the hope is that the news cycle will move on.

I suspect the new week it either will, or there will be new leaks.

As Cummings has likened the task of brining down Johnson to "cleaning the drains", one suspects he is behind the leaks, and there is probably more. Next up is dozens of pages of notes on Johnson's affair with Jennifer Arcuri and misappropriation of London Mayoral funds. Which has only taken nearly a decade to come out.

The simple facts are:

- we know there were parties.

- These parties were against the law and guidance

- Johnson attended several

- Including one which was his actual birthday.

We know the PM knew about the parties, attended them and then lied at the dispatch box.

He should resign.

We don't need Gray's report or something from the Met.

We know.

Johnson infects everyone he comes into contact with, they end up stinking of corruption, and yet most will throw themselves under the bus for him, that say it was all JOhnson's fault. He knew. He was responsible.

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