Sunday 9 January 2022

More COVID chaos

Several Sunday papers were leading with news that LFT were no longer to be free, and that isolation would be reduced from seven days to five, in line with the US as they're handling the pandemic so well.

Then Nadhim Zahawi went on the Sunday political shows to say he had no idea where that rumour came from, as there was no such plans.

Clearly, someone from the Government briefed them, maybe the Cabinet is more fractured than thought?

Infection figures dropped to below 150,000 yesterday, but due to the shortage of testing kits, how accurate is that? And by this point, the Government has lost track of the infection.

The pandemic is about to go endemic, the leak said. Well, that is only true if you are prepared to accept the 200 plus daily deaths and the accompanying LOng COVID cases, but that and the alarming rise in cases in children and young adults barely gets a mention.

Who would have thought that 200 to 300 avoidable deaths a day would be classed as acceptable?

Maybe they're right, that this is the end of the pandemic, but there is more potential for mutations in the virus yet. Maybe.

I would always err on side the side of caution, as in our company lves and health is put before anything. No risk is worth taking, this seems a massive risk from a Government that has taken multple risks already in this pandemic, and the only one they got right was sourcing the vaccine in the early days, but that advantage has been lost as the EU sourced more and more at a lower cost.

D'ya feel lucky, punk?

Do ya?

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