Monday 3 January 2022

Sunday 2nd January 2021

Here we are again. Another day of the endless Christmas vacation, but even that was coming to an end.

Although Monday was another delayed bank holiday, so now work for me until Tuesday, and none for Jools until Wednesday.

All Saints, Waldershare, Dover, Kent Which is nice.

Day two of the #NewYearPlantHunt, and having seen pictures of snowdrops in flower from other people on Twitter, I thought our local early plants at Waldershare would be worth checking out.

All Saints, Waldershare, Dover, Kent So after the last of the Christmas bacon made into mean butties and a fresh brew gave me the strength for the morning.

All Saints, Waldershare, Dover, Kent A quick drive to Whitfield then along to Waldershare, up the narrow lane to the muddy car park. All was quiet.

The church is under the care of the CCT, so is secure, but the churchyard is very overgrown now, with graves emerging from the undergrowth. It's photogenic in a Gothic kind of way, I guess.

All Saints, Waldershare, Dover, Kent So over the far side of the church, where I expected to see a carpet of snowdrops, there were none. None in flower, and no leaves either, though I didn't look that close.

All Saints, Waldershare, Dover, Kent So, will be back in a few weeks when they will be out.

Back home and Jools says she got a text from Jen's niece, Sam, who is clearly well enough to text, in Sam's words, sh is "OK, but not OK". As you might expect after a stroke.

All Saints, Waldershare, Dover, Kent The sun breaks through outside, and so we go for a walk around the lanes hereabouts on a wildflower hunt, any in flower or bloom would do. No holds barred.

Truth is I knew where to go, and pretty much what I'd find. So.

New Year's plant hunt Up Station Road, past the warm memorial, and all the way along to the mini-Dip, then back up to Collingwood, and on the way back I stop at the old midden, where I find broad bean, scentless mayweed and hogweed in flower, which were all bonuses.

New Year's plant hunt I meet a lady I see when I'm out, she is walking her black lab, and she asks what I have seen, and what I was looking out. So I show here the clump of winter heliotrope in flower just along Collingwood, and explain its a member of the butterbur family, which she knew was a plant of watersides.

New Year's plant hunt Back home for a brew, then lunch of frozen party food which seemed to have been made, or packed in Thailand! Tasted OK, and was good for me for a day off cooking.

New Year's plant hunt Football all afternoon, the second game was Chelsea v Liverpool, and was a cracking game, especially the 1st half. Ended 2-2, which mean that Citeh won.

Two We finish off the crackers for supper, then I let Jools beat me at cribbage again.


THese salad days are running out, just one day of the vacation left.

Double sigh.

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