Saturday 8 January 2022

Friday 7th January 2022

The end of the four day week. And if I'm honest, a week that seemed twice as long.

And once again, I splept through the alarm and woke with Jools getting ready for work.

Is it time to get up already?

It is.

She leaves. I have coffee and check on the world.

Its still screwed.

I also know I have nothing for lunch, so I have to make some bread: 1 pound 4 oz of crunchy flour, two tsp of dried yeast, same of sugar, half a tsp of salt and 300ml of water, hand warm. Mix and knead for ten minutes, place in a greased tin to rise. I cut a slice in the top of the dough to help rising. It helped.

To work.

And the weekly update meeting: India is going into the COVID wave, and there is fear. People are locked down, and wanting third vaccinations.

I put the bread in the oven to bake, and 35 minutes later it is all cooked, just needing to cool down.

I have a meeting with my boss, we firm up my next task, and then discuss the latest issues, which I am told is not for us to worry about. I am staggared. I mean, such an attitude I am lost for words.

The return of concrete Bob I am glad when half twelve comes round when I can switch the computer off and have lunch. A thick crust with lots of butter and apricot jam, with a huge brew.


Jools comes home at half one, and we get ready to go out, as we have a meeting in Canterbury.

In order to get to the University, its easier to drive round the city, and by drive round I mean up the A2 to the end of the motorway, then back along Thanet Way and in through Blean. Twice the distance but takes half the time. Traffic was light, until we get into Blean where soccer Moms were blocking the road parking outside the school as it was nearly knocking off time.

But we get to the University with 15 minutes to spare, park up and check in.

This is our annual pension review, and things are on track, and when it is mentioned we were thinking of retiring at 60, it was explained to us how we could do that, very easy as we don't have anyone to leave the house to.

Seven Gives us lots to think about.

We say thanks and leave, walk back to the car and drive home the same way, only encountering slow traffic as we come into Whitfield.

Back home at five, I prepare the diced potatoes for chorizon hash. So, as they cook, I chop onions, peppers and chorizo.

I take a break for the music quize, which didn't go very well. I knew very little about Todd Rundgren which explains why I ddn't guess who it was.

Once that finishes, I cook the rest of the ingredients for the hash, finally frying the potatoes until they were crispy, combining all the cooked items into a hash, and serve.

And so the day, and week, is done.

I end it by reading in bed, before my eyes get heavy and i turn off the lights.

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