Monday 17 January 2022

Sunday 16th January 2022

I don't know if y last two daily posts have made much sense, as both were written either tispyfart or sleepy or both.

Saturday I felt rather under the weather which might have been due to the several beers consumed Friday night, and the walk leading to the pub. Then on Sunday I spent the afternoon cooking and then talking to Mike as he came to dinner. As you will find out in the post.

So, I got the posts out, though might not have made much sense, so if they didn't, you'll now know why.

So, Sunday.

I wanted to lay in to dinner time, but was awake before it got light. I got up before six, fed the cats and made drinks. Jools decided to go swimming, so after second drinks she left for the pool, and I cleared up, had a shower and shave.

Sixteen It was another grand day, and I really should go out.

But I got these legs.

Jools came back just before ten, we had breakfast, and it turned out she wasn't that keen on a walk either. So we didn't.

We listened to the radio, had more coffee, and at one had crumpets and tea, before I settled down to watch the only game of the afternoon; West Ham v Leeds, and Leeds despite only have two fit players, or something, ran out 3-2 winners.

Cleo I got cooking; roast chicken and all the trimmings. Mike arrived at four to announce he was on a dry- January meaning the twenty plus bottles of Budweiser went undrunk.

Dinner was great, though not too sure about Kale, it was OK, didn't taste of anything. Unlike the stuffing balls or Yorkshire puddings.

We ate well, too much probably.

And after clearing away, we sit and talk for an hour, about his life has changed so much in the last four years, some not in a good way. Sadly. And a certain anniversary is coming up soon.

He left at eight, time for some Twittering for #wildflowerhour, and then to bed.

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