Wednesday 12 January 2022

Tuesday 11th January 2022

Hello again.


Last week it was the first working day of the week, this week its the second.

Mondays should be an extra weekend day every week.

Truth is, workdays in the winter are pretty much all the same, doubly so when the weather is cold or wet or both, so I am not tempted to go out. Days and weeks merge into one long week, broken with me going into the garden to check on the wildflowers to see if the first evidence of so early spring colour might be on the horizon.

There's lots of green groth, but not much other colour. I am expecting Winter Aconites to appear in the next week, but I don't see any stalks at the moment. I planted a 100 of the buggers last winter, proper killed my back that did.

I do wake with the alarm, and once Jools had fed the cats and I heard the kettle boiling, I get up and am downstairs just as the coffee was poured. Always a good moment, that first sip of Joe. And it was to be an exciting day for Jools, she was was interviewing for a mini-me at work, someone to work alongside her and take some of the workload off her. Andy is supposed to be coming back, but no one is expecting that to happen this year.

Eleven So, I am home alone. The cats scatter and I make a second coffee and some toast to tide me over the first early meeting at seven.

The day settles down. I have a radio show on quiet on my other computer, outside the sun rises and the day has started.

Through the day I cook a different stage of the sauce for tacos as it was taco Tuesday, apparently. I make the tomato and chipotle sauce first. Then remove the meat from the chicken thighs and marinade them in the sauce, letting the flavour build through the afternoon. The actual cooking took about ten minutes just before Jools got home.

Before that, well, work, phone calls and trying to find out the status of the mstate pension for the formal review with coffect figures. This involves dealing with a website that says I had not previously registed had my e mail in its memory banks. After an hour I did manage to reset the password and I got the info I needed.

Who said life was easier with computers?

I have my new project to be getting on with, so I get on with that. Death by Powerpoint.

The days comes to an end, and so I pack up, make a coffee and watch a documentary on Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio, the only great painter to have committed murder. That we know of. He was a character to say the least.

Taco Tuesday I warm the taco shells, cook the chicken and sauce, grate some cheese and find the sour cream. All done, we even use the last of the salad, and turns ou that rocket is perfect in tacos.

Who knew?

No football to watch or listen to, so just radio and write some more.

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