Wednesday 5 January 2022

Tuesday 4th January 2022

And so, here it is.

Back to work.

It would be nice to have holiday forever, but the cats need their kitty kibbles, and I needs my beer. So, back to work it is.

Four Jools, however, has one more day off, so can do as she pleases while I earn a dishonest crust.

We are up at half five, its fairly warm so far, but a cold front will sweep through during the day brininging frosts at night and icy patches in the morning, and it is sunny to, or is when the sun rises of course. But I am already at work, calling people to catch up on news and see how folks are.

A walk in the blue hour Jools went to the pool for a swimming session, then to Tesco for a few things, so I was alone with work for a couple of hours.

A walk in the blue hour No much to report, the company pretty much closed down over Christmas, so there wasn't an avalanche of mails to catch up, and the good news was my travel expenses were approved when I was away.

A walk in the blue hour The computer said it was happy.

Which was nice.

Jools brought home some crusty rolls for lunch, still warm. So I had marmalade in mine, it took all my strength not to have nutella, but i have been off the sauce for two weeks now. Keep on keeping on.

A walk in the blue hour THe afternoon dragged, but soon the sun set and it began to get dark. Jools had mentioned how fine it looked down by the harbour, with the lights on. So I said I was going for a walk. We went for a walk.

A walk in the blue hour Had to drive there, of course, and traffic was very light, there and back, with almost no trucks around either.

A walk in the blue hour As ever there are only a few free spaces down near the prom, but we got one, so walked along towards the Prince of Wales Pier and the new Curve.

A walk in the blue hour We met some people we knew, and this was holding me back from getting shots, but I was polite, and to be honest, good to speak to someone outside the family.

A walk in the blue hour Once they went back to their car, I got back snapping, especially the illuminated castle high above the down, with the darkening sky as a backdrop looking very fine indeed.

A walk in the blue hour We walked on, past the waterposrts centre and to the Curve, though it wasn't that photogenic, but I could see the pier was, so walked back round.

A walk in the blue hour The pier was deserted which is how I like it, as the shots along came out great, as did shots looking back towards Marine Parade and the Castle above.

A walk in the blue hour We walked back along the pier and then the prom back to the car, pretty darn cold if truth be told.

A walk in the blue hour Back home where Jools was cook for the night, doing something she did on her cooking course before Christmas. And the soft tortillas came out very nice, spicy enough to make my nose itch.

A walk in the blue hour There was no football to watch, for a change, so after writing the blog, we play crib, and I win.

A walk in the blue hour Which was nice.

And that was Tuesday.

A walk in the blue hour Night all.

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