Friday 14 January 2022

Thursday 13th January 2022

We are nearing the end of the week, and so the task is to combine what should be in place with what is actually in place.

It was going to be tough.

Jools was up before me, and it was going to be another bright and sunny day, but not before dawn, until which it was dark.

A walk to see the sunset And cold.

Frosty cold.

Jools has a shower, is dressed and out of the door before six fifteen, I have 45 minutes in which to have toast and second coffee and in which to ignore the cats.

A walk to see the sunset It was going to be another stunning day, but how else to celebrate it, other than to go out at sunset to snap the colours.


And what could be more stunning than that?


I have to make bread, so mix a batch of doungh and put it in to rise, setting the timer, meaning that in the middle of meetings I could announce that I needed a break to either take the loaf out of the tin, and/or put it back in to crisp the bottowm, because who doesn't like a crispy bottom?

A walk to see the sunset Not me.

I have fresh bread wth butter and apricot jam for dinner, and a huge fresh brew.

But my thoughts were now drawn towards half three and the following sunset. I put on a coat, woolly hat and jumper, take one camera, two cameras, three cameras and walk to the end of the street, turning up the down along Station Road so to have a clear view of the horizon, or as close as I could get to seeing it.

A walk to see the sunset School buses disgorge their passengers, crs come and go, and above, a flock of black headed gulls fly low over.

I take shots of them all.

Away to the west, the sun sets and is mostly too brght to snap, but I get the last bright glimpse as it sinks down, and like that, the day is done.

A walk to see the sunset I walk bac home, the sky turning all pastel shades above, back home to prepare the batter for fritters and to feed them cats too.

Outside it is dark, inside the lights burn bright as I cook dinner, putting the flavoured mayo on the table in which to dip the finished fritters.

Thirteen Jools comes home, the last batch of fried golden goodies is done, I plate up and we go to eat.


And no wine or beer either.

There is football to watch: liverpool v Arsenal. Ends 0-0, and is quite exciting.

But not that exciiting.

So it goes.

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