Thursday 20 January 2022

Wednesday 19th January 2022

Welcome to the middle of the week. We hope you enjoy your stay.

Its quite odd. I have no real stress.

Which makes me, and Jools, lucky.

Our house is paid for. I have a job I can do, Jools does too, and she has a mini-me who is doing just fine.

We have the cats.

We could decorate the house, but its fine for us.

The windows we had put in five years back are shit, we could get them replaced, and might this year, or not. Whatever, we can afford it.

We could even afford to give up work, if we wanted or had to. No more travel, or not as much, but we would have somewhere to live, and could eat and afford to heat the house. Many can't say that.

Its nice to wake up and think about whether I should have toast or fruit with the second coffee of the day. Turned out it was toast this day, but I like to vary things.

Jools is still batling, it will be Donna's second day, and she is wracked by doubts. Don't worry, it works out fine, or better withon 36 hours.

Jools gets ready for work, I put on a podcast and makes that second coffee with a slice of toast and nutella.

The days is spent reviewing the document management process. Or the second day of doing this. MY colleague points me to another document that does the same thing. Tis is not good.

It is a cold, but bright day, but I don't have time to go out, so press on, reviewing, taking notes, drinking tea and eating brinch and lunch. I will counter this by saying the slices of bread are small, so I can have two or three a day and that is like two normal sized slices.

Dinner is to be fritters, but I am getting eagar to make the gumbo that I bought some smoked sausages for, so I look at the recipe. It seems I could make the roux first, and leave that overnight to finish on Thursday. So, I mix oil and lain flour, set up the computer beside the cooker and stir the pan for half an hour, the gloop starts of yellow and gets darker and darker.

Nineteen After half an hour, it seems to be done, so I let it cool and make the batter for the fritters, using carrots to make up the bulk as the courgettes were quite small.

Traffic is bad again now, as trucks wait in line to escape this Brexit Plague Island, so the single lane along the A20 means it takes 15 minutes longer to get home, so I wait to start cooking, and suddenly there she is reversing the Audi down the drive.

I get cooking.

And in 15 minutes, its all done, so we sit down to eat and compare our days.

Donna has doubts, but is doing well, and in fact on Thursday, she soared. So, more good news.

I spend the evening watching Football League and surfing the net, waiting for Johnson to resign, but he doesn't.

So it goes, so it goes.

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