Saturday 15 January 2022


Writing about the contradictions of Brexit, I said that, in the End, Johnson will let everyone down.

What I failed to realise what that Johnson will let everyone down in everything he does.

Brexit, COVID, being PM, all failures and let down those who supported him. Boyed by a series of vacant slogans, nothing really means anything, let alone being in power. Other than gathering more power.

Here's the thing.

Most of what we call Fleet Street must have know about the parties. And known for many months. Some political editors were probably even there. But the free and fearless press chose not to reveal evidence of the parties.

In a democracy, the Press is supposed to hold power to account. In that, the media itself has also failed.

The Sun failed to publish details on the Doning Street part of May 15th 2020 because the paper itself held a similar party the same night.

Today, the Hate Mail has tried some desparate whataboutery with claims that Kier Starmer had a beer in a meeting and that equals the same as the weekly piss ups at Downing Street.

Finally, a group of sudents dressed as Johnosn chanting "this is a work event" dancing outside Downing Street were arrested,when the real Johnson who had a real part inside Downing Street escapes investigation.

That is where we are as a country and as a democracy.

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