Thursday 27 January 2022

Wednesday 26th January 2022

Here we are again.

Same as Tuesday. And Monday.

Another day of meetings and process reviews. Hours and hours of taking notes, trying to understand the words salads created just to confuse.

We had a late start due to the show on Tuesday. No alarm set and so us getting up at quarter past six, and then trying to get ready for seven to start work.

I come down to feed the cats and make drinks.

Jools comes down all ready for work, drinks her tea and is gone.

Apart from work, the aim today was to make cauliflower cheese for the first time. In fact, I have never actually eaten if before either. Owing to the fact that as a child I ate neither cauliflower or cheese. I browse recipes, the plump one from the cookbook I got before Christmas. Seemed easy enough.

But that was for later.

Outside another dull, cool and overcast day dawned, making it unlikely I would be going for a walk. Again.

So, I stop work for breakfast, and then lunch at half nine meaning I had the three leftover fritters for lunch, Jools had taken three for her lunch too.

All exciting stuff.

Once work was done, instead of going for a walk, I cut the buddlia back to the stump, pack away the cuttings and clear the dead vegetation from around the larger pond. I check every day for spawn: none seen so far.

Anyway, that was the day done. So it was time to get cooking.

I make the sauce, using wholegrain mustard instead of powder, then boiling the florets for three minutes, put blanched florets in new ceramic baking tray, pour over sauce and sprinkle top with mixture of more cheese and breadcrumbs. Pop in over for 30 minutes.

Twenty six I make some fried potatoes to go with the crispbakes, and it was rather wonderful when brought together and dished up.

And there we are. Another day done, third identical day this week, two more to go.

So it goes, so it goes.

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