Wednesday 11 September 2019

And now the shit has hit the fan

English and Scottish law is different.

Based on different principles.

I say this because last week the latest case brought by Gina Miller regarding the legality of the prorogation of Parliament was found to be legal by the High Court in London this week.

Today, however, the High Court in Scotland found that it was illegal under Scottish law, and the Government could offer no explanation that a 34 days suspension of Parliament was needed other than the stop scrutiny.

The final comment in the short summary says:

"The Prime Minister's advice to HM the Queen and the prorogation which followed thereon was unlawful and thus null and of no effect.

So, Alexander Boris de Piffel Johnson becomes the first Prime Minister found to have lied to the reigning Monarch of the day.

Appeals in both cases will be heard in the Supreme Court next week, but that the three most senior Scottish judges agreed this was illegal is unarguable.

The question now is should Parliament be recalled, can it be recalled?

A Government "spokesperson" said:

"We note that last week the High Court in London did not rule that prorogation was unlawful. The legal activists choose the Scottish courts for a reason".

So, is the Government saying English (and Welsh) Law should be supreme over Scottish (and Northern Irish) Law? This seems like a very dangerous road for the Government to be taking, but again, attacking the judges in a people v establishment argument. Turning the people against the very pillars of democracy and freedom is fascist. And the first play in the despot's playbook.

Very bumpy days ahead.

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