Tuesday 3 September 2019

Prime Minister in name only

And the chaos has only just begun.

Last night, Johnson lost a vote on whether Parliament would take control of the order paper for Tuesday.

The Government made it a confidence vote for their MPs, stronger then than a 3 line whip.

It also threatened with any MPs who voted against or abstained would have the party whip withdrawn.

Even still, 21 MPs, most senior and former ministers voted against and the Government defeated.

We were then treated with Andrea Leadsome saying that the removal of the whip may not happen until Wednesday, but Number 10 intructing the Whips to do it then.

A mess.

Winston Churchill's grandson, Sir Nicolas Soames, Ken Clark were amongst those who are not now members of the Conservative Party. Even Philip Hammond, who until six weeks ago was Chancellor, is now out of the party. He only voted against the Government this once. JRM has voted against the Government over 100 times in the last decade, and he is Leader of the House now.

When Johnson appointed Cummings as his chief advisor, it was said Cummings was so clever he was a brain on legs. What would happen, it was suggested, if he wasn't as clever as expected? No we know. Prorogation was the straw that broke the camel#s, or Parliament's, back. Without thatthe UK would be heading towards no deal in an unstoppable death slide.

Now, well, who knows. Johnson is demnading an election. In fact he is requesting one, that 2/3 or Parliament must agree to. They will in time, but on their terms when it suits them.

Clearly, in the battle between the Executive and Parliament, Parliament won, as it was always going to do.

Explaining this clusterfuck to the electorate needs honesty. Instead we have banner headlines in the Daily Expresses declaring "surrender to the EU".

Today will be every bit as dramatic.

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