Saturday 28 September 2019

One final thing

Yesterday, the EU published a letter from Barclay, the Brexit Minister, to Mr Barnier, staing that the UK would not be ready for no deal and so requested that a number of side deals be done to mitigate.

This was rejected, Barnier stating that the only way to mitigate for the UK would be the ratify the WA already agreed.

The reason this gets its own post, other than with the clusterfucks on several fronts going on, this is a direct contradiction to what the PM and Ministers are saying in public or in Parliament.

Both cannot be true, and we already know that Gove lied about the auto industry this week.

When the media, including the BBC, just repeat the Government's lines, without question, and without doing any basic investigative journalism to properly inform the public, what hope is there?

I see no hope. Because without honesty, honesty from the Government and from the media, divisions will grow wider and wider, and both sides shout louder, and any hope of bringing the country or Parliament together reduces with each passing hour.

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