Thursday 5 September 2019

Brexit latest

Just to update you on where our glorious leader is:

In three days this week he went from having a Parliamentary majority of 1 to -22.

One crossed the floor to join the LibDems as Johnson was speaking.

Today, his bother and Cabinet Minister resigned citing impossibility in reconciling family and Brexit.

Yes, and we thought we had it bad, the PM is his brother!

And Labour lost another MP to the LibDems.

In 6 weeks, Johnson has:

Lost a by-election quicker than any PM for 111 years

Lost 21 MPs (having purged them)

Lost an MP to the Lib Dems.

Lost his majority

Lost every Parliamentary vote

Lost control of the House of Commons

Lost his own brother as an MP and a Minister.

And might have broken the law in proroguing Parliament, and given incorrect advice to the Queen.

It's not Friday yet.

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