Thursday 7 October 2021


Yesterday, 39,851 people tested positive for COVID.

The highest, I think, since May.

Most of the surge in infections is in the young, whilst infection in the older part of the population, is diving.

We have inflicted COVID on our children, or rather the Government has, creating a national army of spreaders, infecting, reinfecting those at home.

Meanwhile, people are being offered a booster jab.

Yesterday, 48 children were hospitalised with COVID. 48 families suffering a crisis when it could and should have been avoided.

143 people died, so few, apparently, not to get a mention on the news bulletins thank's to Johnson's speech about increased tractor production.

Endemic is where, as a country, we accept a certain level of deaths and suffering. And so, as a country, we are happy with 48 children a day being admitted to hospital and 143 people dying.

Welcome to Johnson's Blobal Britain and the Chacellor's British Renaissance.

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