Wednesday 6 October 2021

Ten months on....

At the end of 2020, I wanted to stop the Brexit and COVID blogs, mainly because it had all been do mentally draining.

Ten months on, as warnings that were dismissed by Brexiteers as "project fear" become reality, and more unexpeted issues manifest themselves, I am reminded by something Jools said:

What good does it do in knowing all this?

None, none whatsoever.

And yet, if I am able to challenge one Brexit or Johnson supporter/voter, then it will have been worth it.

The reality of Brexit is that there never was a plan.

Even now, five and a half years after the referendum, as then of thousands of pigs are destroyed as there is no capacity for slaghter and processing, Johnson's attitude is they were going to die anyway.

How many bacon sandwiches have you eaten? He quips.

The thing is, if sold for market, then the farmer gets a market price, a return on his time and investment. This was, he sees his profits and investment literally going up in smoke. No money made, all of it lost, and having to pay for the slaughter too.

Johnson talks about training plans, about increase in wages across all sectors, more training. The problem being was that if this was the plan, then there should have been measures put in place to mitigate the shortages of labour and supplies.

But its just an excuse to fit the facts.

Those warnings they dismissed, we apparently the plan after all, and shows they were right all along.

Would be funny if it wasn't people's businesses going down the drain, and Johnson and his Government still don't care, it's all such a laugh.

So, what's really in it, in Brexit, in the chaos, for them?

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