Sunday 24 October 2021

Useful idiots

We can now add lamb and beef farmers to fishermen and the DUP as being useful idiots that helped deliver Brexit, and the Government then shafted them.

THe NZ trade deal delivers almost no benefit to the UK in terms of GDP, but will flood the shops with tariff free imports for 15 years, after which there will be no controls.

At all.

Farmers have been shafted.

Farmers are also the "gardians" of our countryside, if there is no grazing, then we will lose much of our remaining meadows and downland pasture.

In other Brexit news, the sea has been flooded with untreated sewage as companies have run out of chemicals to treat it, and depsite us being told that Brexit would increase envioronmental protections, this week Conservative MPs voted to allow even more sewage to be pumped into our lakes, steams rivers and the sea.

We are a Brexit plague island surrounded by a sea of shit and piss.

Everyone who voted for Johnson on his promise of getting Brexit down and levelling up the country. A word in your shell-like: Conservatives have been in power since May 2010 and have made the wealthiest even richer whilst the rest of us suffer with reduced services.

If the Government had really wanted to level up the country, it would have before now.

Ever had the feeling you've been cheated?

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