Saturday 16 October 2021

Friday 15th October 2021

I should start by talking abotu the cats. THings have settled down, this is mainly because there are two ways in and out of the house, for now; cat flap in the back door, and via the quarter window in the living room. But the living room is now getting cool, and its madness to have a window open and a window open, so there might be conflict when it gets any colder and the window is closed.

So, for the time being Poppy can avoid Scully, come and go as she pleases, and there has been no unination violations. More importantly, she is more confident, lest scardy cat, walked erect, and when the shit goes down, can out run both Mulder and Scully.

But we shall see.

Cats always play budge, in that they steal each other's sleeping places. And Poppy now prefers Jools office chair in the back office, and Cleo has started sleeping on the bed at night, and is the opposite of when she is awake, when she is a model of perpetual mothing, she turns into a rag doll when asleep, makes me wonder if she is OK. During the day, Cleo has taken to sleeping in the Ikea cudbe, now free of books, and she is also at our shoulder height.

Neither Cleo or Poppy have really gown much in the 15 months we have had them, still looking like six month old kittens. They do eat for full-sized cats, I can tell you.

Anyway, have this as the shot for the day; Cleo sound asleep in her cube.

Two hundred and eighty eight Friday was another day in which my already low expectations were not met. Just when you think things could not be worse, they plumb ever greater depths.


This latest news will take some pondering. Just good then that it's Friday, and come two it will be the weekend.

Jools has yoga then goes straight to work, so she is gone by ten past six, and I have the latest crisis meeting with my boss regarding the latest drama.

The day progresses, I have meetings to try to gather more evidence. I have toast for lunch, and into the afternoon and I run our of enthusiasm at two.

Being a manager, though with no minions of my own, I tell myself I have had a good week, so why not knock off early? I thank myself for the thought, and log off, quickly throwing the computer stuff in the box and putting the kettle on.

Jools arrives home with macaroons.

I make another brew and we feast on those.

It was the weekend.

At six, I take part in the music quiz, and I did have a good idea who the mystery singer was, but didn't submit and answer, so no points to Jelltex.

We hot foot it to Jen's. darkness was falling, and the clear skies made promises of fine weather for the weekend that Saturday couldn't live up to.

Jen had prepared ribs. Or rather John had bough pre-prepared ribs, Jen cooked them and served with stuffed jacket spuds.

I has a beer.


Then eyes down for cards, and Ian is victorious at Meld and Jools wins Queenie.

All done and dusted by nine, meaning we get home and head to bed at a decent time, so to be well rested for the weekend.

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