Friday 22 October 2021

Thursday 21st October 2021

Just like Wednesday.

Sunny. In parts.



Builders still mining for chalk rubble where the new house is being built.

Cats still cute.

Feeling better.

We were up and about late. Jools lay in bed for an extra 15 minutes once the alarm went off, I slept through it, only waking up when she put the heating and boiler on.

Two hundred and ninety four Good morning.

I get up, and realise if I am to have lunch, I need to make bread. We have some new flour, Chiltern Crunch, so I try that, make a batch of dough and set it to rise in the tin, but without the oven on. To avoid the dough monster.

I have a coffee, and log in for work.

Big item is that my work password is to expire, and having had dozens in the 11 years with the company, now seriously running out of ideas. I have 24 more hours to mull it over.

Castles in the sky Apart from the baking, its a quiet day, potato week continues, so I think I could go out for the first time since Sunday, but soon see heavy dark clouds approaching from the north, so I accept I might not finish the planned walk.

A walk, interrupted I go up Station Road, then down past the war memorial, but the clouds were now so threatning, even if the low sun in the south cast strong light, but made the clouds look very dark and stormy.

A walk, interrupted I cut down at the end of the horse paddock, across Harvey and Collingwood to home, just making it back dry as the rain begain to fall.

A walk, interrupted At least the baked bread was cool enough to try, so I cut a crust off, smother it in butter and peach jam, and it is delicious.

Nothing much happening at work.

But I find things to keep me busy.

Or entertained.

We are trying to get the kittens used to having the living room window closed, with mixed results. Winter is coming and days, and nights, are getting cold.

Let us see.

Time for dinner; breaded chicken, stir fry, steamed fresh corn and noodles.


By the time Jools comes home it is dark, or nearly dark. Tow weeks until the shortest day.

We have coffee and some chocolate, then head to bed at nine, with another day and nearly another week having slipped by.

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