Wednesday 20 October 2021

Tuesday 19th October 2021

I'll make this as quick and easy as possible.

Tuesday, I was ill.

Quite ill.

I went to bed, feeling bloated, and thought it the large dinner, lots of carbs with pasta and bread.


At half one I had to get to the facilities quickly, that was the first of many such visits up to five when Jools got up

Poppy Whether it was a virus or food poisoning, I don't know. Food poisoning is unlikely as I pretty much had what Jools ate over the weekend, as she was fine. I was sick as a dog.

Once Jools left for work, it got worse, until my stomach emptied at about eleven. I had slept from seven until then, and after getting up for a drink, snoozed through to half three.

Two hundred and ninety two Urgh.

And no cats made me coffee or brought me medicine.

I had a coffee.

And in an hour, another.

And I felt better. The headaches was drom dehydration I think.

Jools brought home chips for dinner, which I was almost hungry for. I ate them all anyway, and had a huge cuppa.

But I was bushed, so at eight we both went to bed, and I slept like a log.

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