Friday 1 October 2021

Kwasi's cunning plan

The shortages are, apparently, all part of the "plan".

The plan to move from a high immigration/low wage economy to a domestic high wage/high skill one.

And this is all part of the reluctance of industry and business to change.

Thing is, this make no economic sense.

The one thing I remember from my failed economic course was supply and demand, and as demand goes up, so do prices.

And if wages go up, so do prices.

There is a finite labour pool, industries and sectors are screaming for new recruits, and there is none, other than to steal workers from other industries.

You might fix one problem, but create a new problem.

And so on.

The Government has been inviting those with HGV licences to go back to haulage.

Ambulence drivers, paramedics, bus drivers, the retired and Germans.

Yes, Germans. As the old German licences allowed holders to drive trucks, so the system thinks those who held these can now drive HGVs even though one who receved such an ivitation is a merchant banker in The City.

It would be nice to think there was an actual plan.

But there isn't.

Just panic.

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