Thursday 14 October 2021


Our backs are now against the wall?
Listen all y'all, it's a cabotage
Listen all y'all, it's a cabotage
Listen all y'all, it's a cabotage
Listen all y'all, it's a cabotage

I am an expert in Management Systems and making decisions for change.


In order to make the right decisions, you, or an organisation of Government, have to take into account the right inputs to get the right outputs, or right decisions.

Which brings us to cabotage.

Cabotage is the ability for a lorry or truck to make further collections/deliveries thus making it more efficient and profitable.

Under Brexit rules, cabotage was reduced to two.

Yesterday, the Transport Secretary, Grant Shapps tweeted:

"We plan to temporarily extend cabotage rights in the UK so foreign hauliers can make unlimited journeys for 2 weeks whilst hereDelivery truck It'll mean 1000s more deliveries and comes in addition to the 24 steps we've already taken to help industry tackle the global lorry driver shortage."

In deviation management, you have to fix the root cause to get the correct corrective actions.

The corrective actions here are to increase the number of drivers from the EU and the amount of pick-ups and drop-offs they can do. This is clearly a Brexit-related problem that the corrective actions are to fix, if only for six months.

If the Transport Secretary has done his root cause analysis correctly then that is Brexit, and this fixes the problems in the short term.

THis along with hundreds of EU qualified butchers who are now to be offered six month visas to ensure that there isn't mass exerminations in the countryside as there is no capacity in slaughterhouses. This inhumane sitatuation is bad enough, but each farmer will not get a return on their investment. This cannot continue, and neither can dairy farmers pouring thousands of litres of fresh milk away as there is no tanker drivers to collect it.

Farming is already suffering attacks on four fronts, a fifth will surely finish most of them off.

But its not Brexit, remember.

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