Friday 29 October 2021

Brexit news

I am hoping to wind down my Brexit posts, as per my last such post where I stated that until the UK comes up with a realistic approach to the UK and our relationship, because geography and trade requirements mean they will just destroy the economy further if ignored.

So, anything else other than such a sea-change in attitudes is messing around the edges.

In the meantime, the fishing row around Jersey continues, with the French Government threatening to retaliate, showing that they too can play to a domestic audience. In reply this morning, without irony, George Eustance warned France that it should stick to what it signed up to in the WA.

No self awareness.

And the DUP are threatening to bring down the power-sharing agreement in Stormont unless its grievances with the NIP are addressed.

This would be a serious escalation, and would bring back direct rule from Westminster, and would then be hard to see how either side in NI politics could compomise in a way to save their faces.

All because of Brexit, which is damaging the economy twice as badly as COVID, is slowing the UK's recovery, and yet wasn't mentioned in the Budget once this week.

Realistic policies for real issues needed. By real policicians.

Send help.

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