Tuesday 5 October 2021

All things must change

Once upon a time, we knew where we stood with the two main political parties:

The Conservatives were the party of business, who helped that and industry grow,

And Labour was the party of the worker and unions.

Both parties took it in turns look after their main focus areas, industry prospered and we got better and more rights.

So far, so stable.

Along came Johnson with his "fuck business" attitude, now personified by an interview this morning blaming industry and business for not paying workers more, and the suggestion that higher wage costs should be born by business alone and not passed onto the customer.

I am trying to understand whether this was said by the PM of a five year old child, so out of touch it is with the world of commerce.

And anyway, if wages rose, so would inflation, as is already happening, so that best case scenario, people's standard of living would not increase and worse case it would decline.

But the Government, this Government, really doesn't care.

Nothing can be their fault, not even the consequences of the policy they followed despite the warnings from business and experts.

Nothing is ever their fault, of course.

The Times reported this morning that just 27 EU tanker drivers have applied for permits to work in the UK, to help the fuel situation. It would appear creating a "hostile environment" for EU workers has consequences. And although Brexit isn't the cause for the driver shortage it is part of the solution.


Its not that I don't care, I do. But warnings were given. And ignored. And seeing Brexit and its cheerleaders battling reality on a daily basis is quite entertaining. Just a shame that, for the most part, the media takes the Government's side.

Lord Wilson, head of retailer, Next says: “HGV crisis was not only “foreseen”, it was building for months....also skills crisis in warehouses, restaurants, hotels, care homes". "crippling inaction is becoming an overwhelming feature of Johnson’s government."


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