Sunday 17 October 2021

Forever culture wars

Five and a half years ago, Labour MP JO Cox was murdered by a white male shouting "Britain First" as he first shot her then stabbed her to death.

Vote Leave did not suspend campaigning for the referendum, and since then the culture wars, pitching us against "them" has continued unabated.

During the summer, the Prime Minister and Home Secretary defended a section of the support for the England football team that had taken to boing players "taking the knee", a gesture to stop the persecution of minorities. I mean, who could be against that. Racists it would appear. Johnson and Patel reaped the bitter harvest when three young black players missed penalties and were subjected to abuse online.

The spoke against those who took part, but were in favour of the abuse inside a stadium. You can't have both.

The demonisation of minorities is one of the first steps towards a fascist state. THe equating of sections of the population or immigrants as being less than human, being a swarm or similar is another goosestep further down the road.

A Conservative MP was murdered on Friday, an act wheich I condem. Obviously.

The murderer of Jo Cox was white, his act was not deemed as terrorism, even with the "Britain First" shout. The suspect from Friday is being held on terrorism charges, it is believed he is a musilm.

But for the last six years political discourse has been poisoned to the point where judges are the enemies of the people and MPs voting against the PM are saboteurs.

It wasn't always like this, and needn't be, but the steps to difuse the situation seem to be beyond this Government, who revel in culture wars, and even have an appointee who keeps the culture wars fires burning.

The Government is now proposing legislation, possibly SIs, to overturn legal judgements Ministers feel are unfair.

This is not normal, and where will it end?

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