Saturday 9 October 2021

Friday 8th October 2021

Another week nearly done, and I am treated to the news that next week's auditee isn't ready either.

I am seeing a pattern emerging here.

And being a Friday, the weather was going to be glorious. Meaning I would be at the dining room table, tapping away at a hot keyboard.

And Jools would be leaving home at ten past six to go to yoga, then to work, and then shopping. A packed day, for one of us, at least.

It seemed too early to be getting up, when there sky had only just begun to hint of the coming day, but lots to do so may as well get up and attem.

Jools made coffee, and was rushing around, having a shower, getting dressed while I sat staring at the fresh hell that the interwebs revealed.

Its just what 2021 serves us up on a daily basis.

Jools leaves, and I get dressed, put bird feed out, make a second coffee, and set up the computer, and here we go.

The full merger is happening in three weeks, so I have to apply for a new credit card, new next of kin details. and there is the delight to look forward to of a new travel expense report system and working time database.

Oh, deep joy.

I was to have a big meeting at eight, but my colleague is snowed under. It can wait until Monday, I say, planning on going for a walk instead.

Or something.

Frank agrees, so we arrange to have a new meeting.

I look at my Outlook calendar.


Mwah, ha ha.

I have a sandwich for lunch: corned beef with pickle. So much pickle that I can just get it in my mouth.....

Mmmmm, pickles

It gets to one, colleagues are either still in meetings or have finished. I look outside and decide that I should go for a walk.


So, I turn the laptop off and grab my camera and put on my boots.

I just can't get enough Stomp, stomp, stomp up the street then up Station Road, walking to the top fo the down until I reach the middle track, past the war memorial. I turn down there, hoping to see butterflies in a new area.

Two hundred and eighty one I turn up at the first chance to Windy Ridge, and come across a Peacock basking, so it'd be rude not to snap it.

I just can't get enough Although into the second week of October, it looked splendid in the late afternoon sunshine.

I did see a Clouded Yellow in the ploughed field, sniffing around the Annual Mercury and Common Groundsel thriving, but there is no way over the barbed wire to allow me the chance to give chase.

I just can't get enough I walk on, and finally turn down to home, meeting a couple of other photographers. So we talk for half an hour about butterflies and churches. Good job they never mentioned orchids or we'd still be there, talking away.

I just can't get enough I come home, have a brew and wait for Jools to come home with the shopping. In the end, it was nearly four by the time she did reverse down the drive.

We had a brew after we had put the shopping away, and then it was five and soon for the music quiz.

How did I know Shane McGowan was born in Kent? I thought he was from London.

So, no points for me.

We go to Jen's where supper of chicken and potato curry was waiting.

And despite there being nothing wrong, far from it, I am in a bad mood and a grump all evening. I think I was tired, and just needed a lay in, something I struggle to do.

Old Ale John wins everything. I mean he has nearly cleared the rest of us out. He is very chipper, we just want to get to bed.

So, we drive home in the dark, very little traffic about, those that were didn't seem to think indicators were needed.


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