Tuesday 12 October 2021

Monday 11th October 2021

Back to work.

In truth, there's not much to tell.

We get up, have coffee, Jools gets ready for work and leaves. I make a second coffee and stand at the kitchen window to observe sunrise, though that is now after seven, so I have to miss that part of dawn, and instead get the screen, laptop and keyboard out, connect them up and hope it all works.

It does.

I get an automated messagefrom travel expense department over an unallocted credit card bill for £3.16. I have to tell them I will try to sort it out on Tuesday, but I'm pretty sure I had cleared all bills.

An actual person replies and says that'll be OK.

Just three weeks away from the final stages of the merger, and all the lose ends to tie up.

For the day I have a meeting with Frank, and I agree to take on all the outstanding actions, and redo the powerpoint on quality awareness.

It is brighter than expected, but with the wind set in the north, its cool, cool enough to wear a jacket when I go out for a leg stretcher. Still on the look out for QoS, although now probably too late in the year, though saying that a friend had a Swallowtail turn up in her garden the same day! So, migrants are still being blown across.

Two hundred and eighty four I set off up Station Road, as usual, and go to the top track.

I walk along to Windy Ridge, no butterflies seen, other than a Comma flying past me, it didn't settle. Out of the wind it was calm and warm enough, but heading back across the fields, it was mighty chilly.

Wrap up warm The horses regarded me, but none came over for a nose rub or to enquire about food.

Back home I have lunch, some defrosted rolls and cold sliced beef. Lovely.

Wrap up warm And I finish the presentation and send it off in time for the end of the day.

Job done.

I make a loaf for dinner, as we're having caprese. The tomatoes have little flavour now, so we will probably leave it now until the spring. But we enjoy the flavour sensation as the parts of the meal combine in the mouth.

Wrap up warm Once cleared away, we have the remaining baklava bought in Ashford, two pieces each, and mighty, mighty sweet. Quite the shock.

Having slept badly, we were both tired, and head to bed before nine.

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