Thursday 26 November 2020

Out of lockdown

At midnight on the 1st December, all of England will exit the lockdown and enter one of three tiers. Kent entered lockdown on the lowest tier and will leave it to the highest. The borough of Swale near Faversham, has the distinction of having the highest infection rate in the country. Ashford and Tanet not far behind.

So all of Kent will be in Tier 3.

The only areas in tier 1, the lowest, will be Cornwall and the Isle of Wight.

It bear repeating that the tier system has already failed. It failed ever since introduced and there is no indication this time it will be different. So far the only was an area has left a tier level is to enter the next highest. Johnson says the current tiers will be changed is once a fortnight upon review. First review will be December 16th.

As I have written before, through the summer and autumn our behaviour has not changed, we have always been careful, and with the exception of me working in Southampton for those three days, we have stayed away from crowds and places where lots of people gather, except to shop.

And the next two weeks will be no different, as it will be over Christmas and into the New Year.

It is worth pointing out that as an island, we have the benfit that many other European countries don't have in enabling quarantines. We also had the experience of China, Italy and Spain in knowing what was coming, the UK had a well thought out response plan, had run a simulation and highlighted gaps that needed addressing.

But then we elected Johnson and his cabal of idiots into power with an 80 seat majority. And 70,000 people died.

Today 18,213 new infections were reported and 695 deaths, even under the Governments manipulated figures, so that 57,031 have died within 28 days of receiving a positive test, while thousands of more have died for the same reason but not meeting that criteria. It needn't be like this.

And all this pain we are going through now with a 27 day lockdown then most of England under the strictest lockdown rules, only to throw it all away for a five day Christmas piss up. Muslims gave up their festivals, as did other religions, but Christmas must be saved even if untild hundreds if not thousands will die in January and February to pay for it.

And the country will be locked down for longer and harder that it has been these last three weeks.

All that and Brexit to look forward to in January. Oh what larks.

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