Thursday 12 November 2020

Telling stories

I follow a few American political commentators, so I have a bit of a handle on the post-election fall out. And from what I understand, there is zero chance that the result will be over turned, there just is no evidence.

The show of saying there is, creating lawsuits and so on is to create a narrative. A narrative, like the "birther conspiracy" that the Democratic President is somehow illegitimate. Start that narrative now, and never let it up over the next four years, so that Biden and his administration spend part of their energy dealing with the lies, rather than the real issues.

Trump will play along, saying he will run for office again in 2024, pick up donations from chumps who still believe in his, underwriting his other activities. It hardly matters whether he runs or not, just that is campaign collects funds.

He will tweet out his every thought, often contradicting the very things he has said or done when he was in office, and the media, with the memory of a goldfish, don't check. Even if they do and publish, the Trump death cult won't mind.

Like Brexiteers, they know they are being lied to, and don't seem to care.

That 220,000 Americans have died and new infections are over 100,000 a day matters not a jot.

Trump says its under control, although clearly that is not true, but they lap it up anyway.

Creating diversions, running interference is what Trump does, he did this for four years while others dismantled democracy. And the GOP looked on, happy as the dismantling pretty much guaranteed them power indefinately. And until the GOP disconnects with Trump, call out his lies and baseless accusations for what they are, things won't change.

If not Trump in 2024, then someone else, who won't look as dumb or be as stupid, but will use the tools Trump has left to finish the job of dismantling the State.

Meanwhile, Democrats argue as to who was to blame for losing seats in the House and Senate, and see each other as the cause, while the GOP looks on and laughs.

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