Wednesday 18 November 2020

Tuesday 17th November 2020

Back on the chain gang.

Although I believe I said that last week.

There is just five weeks now before the winter equinox, when light will begin to triumph over darkness once more. But these days, the dark mornings until well after six and the gathering gloom of the afternoons from about three make the days so short, the night so long, and with it being 2020, not being able to go to the pub, restaurant or even mix with familes and friends.

There is work. The is football. Apparently. Hardly anything stops football, though with more and more players testing positive, one does wonder who sensible it all is, player travelling all over urope and beyond just to play in empty stadiums. I know its entertainment, but we have our domestic leagues, isnt that enough? And players playing two games a week, and after a few weeks break in August, weary bodies get injured.

Maybe we should just stop it?

But until we do, there is stuff to watch at night, and to look forward to on Tuesday was Spain v Germany. I was looking forward to it from early in the morning.

And once Jools left for work, I did go on the cross trainer, though it did clank and clunk as I pumped away, but did the session, and would do one in the afternoon too.


And so to work, plug in the laptop, log in, check mails, file those away and then go to make breakfast and second coffee.

Back to normal.

Not much of any import happened.

In the morning.

I made some potato bread to go with the remaining soup I made. Baked that in the oven, warmed the soup up, ate them both noisily watching a video of a train heading down a gorge in Japan that Jools and I rode over four years back now.

Three hundred and twenty two And back to work, update spreadsheets, fire off mails and make arrangements for audits I might actually travel for. I might be going to Teeside next month. But only oif my boss deems it critical and Government rules allow. Theres always Teams.

At half three, I do a second session on the cross trainer. Better than the first, but the clunking and clanking continues. I imagine me being thrown from it if the crank breaks.

It'd be something to write about, I suppose.

Dinner was simply pork pie and slaw. And a huge brew.

A quick shower and then football.

And what a game! Spain 6 (six), Germany 0.


And Spain had a good goal disallowed and missed at least four more.


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