Sunday 5 December 2021

Dim Dom

The Justice Secretary, Dominic Raab went on TV ths morning and stated that the POlice cannot investigate any crime that happened in the past.

That is literally what the Police only do.

I mean, does that mean that bank job I did on 4th December last year now cannot be investigated by the Police? In which case whey was Harold Shipman put behind bars for all those murders comminted IN THE PAST.

IN addition, Raab doesn't know about the parties as he wasn't here. Does that mean he was invited but did not go? Anyway, as previously stated, if there were parties, none could be within guidleines in force in London at the time.

Meanwhile, figures show 90% of peple in ICUs around the country are unvaccinated, and take up of the second dose of the vaccine has stalled, though take up of the booster is going well, for now.

We passed a group of "Mums against jabs" in Canterbury today, I feel I should have challenged them, but I don't think they would have taken it well being compared to child murderers.

I saw firgures from South Africa, showing how cases doubled for four days with the new Omicron variant, and then doubly every other day. If this happens here then we could see 200k by next weekend. In addition, toddlers are now being admitted there.

As usual, the UK Government are acting too little too late, with LFT only being mandated from 04:00 on Tuesday, before hten people can just arrive without testing.

An ambulance driver reported a six hour way, at the time, to get a patient admitted, with ambulances backed up. He was still 11th from the front. That's what pandemics do, tie up resources. Like the fact routine chacks on the over 75s are to be suspended, although this is so the scant staff and GPs can cope after a decade of savage cuts by Vonservative Governments, this means the excess death rate will climb in due course.

All avoidable. All policy choices.

Don't believe their lies.

This could be quite the week.

We shall see. Stay safe, peeps.

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