Friday 17 December 2021


In the fairy tail, the child sees the emperor has no clothes and laughs. And soon the rest of the crowd sees it too, and join in.

Last month, Johnson left the COP26 meeting on a private jet to fly to London for a fine meal at a male on private members cloub, from that moment on, he could not have handled the events any worse.

The decision to save Patterson from his 30 day suspension, by scrapping the standards watchdog, backfired within 12 hours leading to JRM to announce to the House the vote taken the previous night would not now be followed through, and ptterson would have to serve his suspension.

Patterson chose to resign rather than suffer suspension, so there was a by-election.

Which the Conservatives managed to lose. One of their most safest seats.

By-elections have their own rules and mythology, and anyone trying to explain this will almost certainly get it the reasons for the defeat wrong.

The result came out just before five this morning, and Johnson did not make a state ment for nearly seven hours. Silence from the PM, and when he did, he was wearing a mask, for once, and in 2 minutes twenty seconds, admitted his Government had made mistakes, but ended up by blaming the media for reporting the bad news.

It was a shambles. He was a shambles A moment that required clear leadership, got a tramp hungover on meths.

Any supporter looking at this would know the game is up. Johnson knows the game is up, there is no bridge, no new hospital, no new baby that can create a dead cat bounce big enough to obscure this.

Johnson always was this, many didn't see it, or chose not to. Turns out a rambling quiz show host isn't the best person to lead a country through a pandemic.

Who knew?

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