Thursday 30 December 2021

Wednesday 29th December 2021

After several minutes of studying, I see there is a nature reserve at Worth, so the plan was to visit there on Wednsday.

But the weather said "no".

It was one of those days when it really didn't get light. Heavy drizzle fell and sea mist rolled in. It became clear we were going nowhere.

In fact there was little to be done. We still had food and milk for at least a day, maybe two, no relations to visit. Nothing doing, really.

We waited all morning for the cloud and mist to clear. I guess it did by the afternoon, but by that point light was soon going to fail, so we put the stork stalking off for another 24 hours.

We had fruit for breakfast for a change. I mean we couldn't live of Kit Kat sandwiches every day, could we?

Mince pies There is always some music to listen to, or some lecture on the BBC to watch, so we were not going to be bored. In fact, Jools went out to do some gardening for an hour or two, I stayed in and made mince pies. Delagation of tasks in action.

Three hundred and sixty three And I read Bob Mortimer's book. Or most of it, while the radio played in the background.

We ate no meals, just sandwiches, mince pies and cheese and crackers for supper.

Outside the day faded and so we fed the cats, made another coffee and settled down to listen to more radio.

Cheese and crackers for supper, with beer for me and cider for Jools, and finally watching the two evening footy games, but the truth is, it's more entertainment for the eyes than actually something to pay attention to.

So, without fuss, the 363rd day of the year came to an end, and we went to bed.

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