Saturday 11 December 2021

Friday 10th December 2021

I should have been flying out of Denmark this morning, on the 06:00 flight to Billund. But Omicron put pay to that, the company has since decreed all but critical travel can happen, and working from home is being brought in. On Thursday at midnight, all bars, clubs and restaurants closed in Denmark.

Its bad, but not as bad as here, where the infection rate climbs ever higher.

But, it is Friday, and I got to tell my boss exactly what I thought of him, the department and the company. I was shaking by the end of the interview, but I did it.

No idea what happens now, mind.

Before then, clearly we had to get up, feed cats, make coffee get dressed, but the bins out, while outside another storm raged. Not quite as bad as earlier in the week, but bad enough. Bins were out by ten to seven after that week's early collections, needless to say this week the main bin wasn't collected until lunchtime.

So it goes, so it goes.

Jools goes to yoga, then to work, so I am left at home once again. And as there was no meals in the house, I make bread again.

That takes less than 15 minutes, well, to mix and knead the dough ant put it in the dough to rise, setting a timer to remind me to put the oven on in two hours, so I'd have something for lunch.

Three hundred and forty four We have the weekly meeting, but with holiday season in India, there was just the five of us, swapping news. In India, the floods are receeding, just in time for a new wave of plague. Life is just horrible.

The future's bright, the future's orange I have plenty to do with work, and chores around the house. So that come two in the afternoon, I am done, so pack the computer away, make a brew and wait for Jools to come home so we could have a mince pie or two.

Jools returned, dog tired, but officially on holiday. She turns her phone alarms off, put the work laptop away and I make a coffee, put two pies each on a plate and we start relaxing.

As Jen is going away on Monday, this would be the last car night of the year, so we arranged to go round early, meaning I would miss the music quiz, but we would get a full evening's cards in, and have dinner. Or supper.

Delirium tremens The last supper.

We go round at four, John was waiting with Jen, we swap presents, and settle down for a game of Meld. The atmosphere was light and jovial, even more so when Jen serves up supper: spicy potatoes with southern fried chicken. And beer.

The Last Supper Though I took my own.

Aftert hat, another game of Meld, then a long game of Queenie, which Jools wins, twice, and that was that. All done by half eight.

I bid Jen farewell, and we climb in the car to drive home, to go to bed.

Up in the sky, a nearly half waxing moon shone down brightly, guiding us home.

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