Tuesday 28 December 2021


Of our Glorious Leader, Alexander Boris de Piffel Johnson, there has been no sign since Christmas, other than confirmation via his Twitterstream that there were to be no new restrictions before New Year.

This lead one of the papers to declare this morning that New Year's Eve has been "saved".

For two days this week, and three days over next weekend, there will be no COVID data, so, as a nation, we will pretend that everything is normal.

Johnson told us, before Christmas, he would be studying the data on an hour by hour basis. Only, for fve days, there would be no data.

Whatever they do now, for the next month, the stage is set for a surge in cases, hospitalisations, and maybe deaths too. As always I have to point out that what follows in January and into February and March is a policy decision by Johnson, who would rather dither and delay, so to put the onus on the public, even better to blame them for the inevitable surge in cases rather than be a leader and accept the blame yourself.

This is just on the reasons why 2022 will be, and this is a low bar, to be even worse than 2021, and in a post before Saturday I will expand on this. This is not going to be a happy New Year for most, and I see nothing at all to be positive about in the New Year.

I have to be honest.

We will look back on December 2021 as some kind of nirvana.

Yes, that bad.

Enjoy the calm while you can.

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