Tuesday 7 December 2021


Today, the Prime Minister, Alexander Boris de Piffel Johnson, lied on the record.

He stated, that neither he nor his wife had anything to do in allowing anomal evacuation from Kabul on or around 25th August.

After a Commons Select Committee meeting, his Permanent Private Secretary, an MP in her own right, released copy of a letter authorising the flight and resources.

Only Downing Street have said Ms Harrison acted in her role as an MP rather than PPS. It stinks.

ITV News has this evening been leaked video of the then new Press Secretary in a paractice news conference, a friend asks her if she attended a party at Number 10 four days earlier, on the 18th December. They both collpase into giggles.

The question is, what happens now?

In normal times, to a normal PM and Government, they would have to resign.

I'm betting they'll try to brave this out.

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