Monday 22 April 2019

Internal strife

News today that leaders of seventy local Conservative Organisations have signed a letter stating a vote of no confidence in the PM.

This is not binding on the party leadership, but it is indicative on how the party is split on not just Europe, but everything.

Local parties have, in places, been infiltrated by UKIP members trying to turn the party even further to the right. These have been moves to try to deselect sitting MPs who are not full believers in the Brexit unicorn, which stinks even more of a cult of Brexit.

A vote of no confidence by the Parliamentary Conservative Party is limited to one such vote per year, meaning another one cannot by held until December, a year since the failed on lead by JRM and other Brexiteers.

Not that a change in leadership would change things, as the numbers in the Commons will not change until the next election, meaning there is no parliamentary numbers for no deal, and instead the Commons force the Government to request the EU for a further extension, or if that is refused, then revoking A50.

Which could then set up a Government v Parliament battle. And would need the Commons to actually unite behind an alternative course of action.

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