Tuesday 2 April 2019

Monday 1st April 2019

RAF's 101 st birthday.

April Fools Day

And I am back at work after a three day weekend, or a two and a half day weekend. Amounts to the same, really.

Jools is up and about first, then I am stirred, mainly by the smell of brewing coffee to be honest.

She leaves for work, and I watch the previous say's football, until it is time to face the day. And the overflowing inbox.

I have meetings and the issue of the overflowing inbox.

One would be bad enough, but both means there is not enough time.

Ninety one In the mess that is work, I forget to check in for Tuesday's flight, this I dot realise until I am on the train to London the next morning.

Oh well.

And it is sunny outside, so sunny I should be outside, snapping. But I don't have time.

I have spreadsheets to update, mails to send, calls to make. The day passes until just after four, and I am done for the day.

I pack my case, check my bag and pack stuff I am missing.

It is daylight still at six when Jools comes home, but with the stiff north breeze so cool, that an evening walk is out of the question.

I cook dinner; shaorma lamb, noodles and stir fry.


But we are so tired, but also want to know the result of the IV that night in Parliament, so I stay up to ten past ten, when the anti-climax is announced.

Time for bed.

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