Friday 26 April 2019

Thursday 25th April 2019

It is just a four day week this week, though it seems longer. The challenges get larger and the stress levels go up. And therefore, i sleep less and is less restful. I wake up at half five, feeling like crap, and it would be downhill from there.

One hundred and fourteen I know, I know, maybe its not like there has been a death, but when work is relentlessly bad, it really begins to get you down, you know? At least I don't hide from it, after breakfast and the second coffee, I put on the computer and here we go.

Acer But there is a way forward, of sorts.

Garden knapweed Outside it is bright, though not warm. I will go for a walk later in the day I promise myself.

Tulip Now that I have eaten all the flatbreads it was back to cheese toasties for lunch. And lots of tea.

An evening walk I do at least catch up on the inbox later in the afternoon, meaning I just have the 414 unread ones from last month and last October. No chance to read them. I am of the opinion that if they were important I would have heard about it by now......

An evening walk Come four in the afternoon and my brain is fried, so I go for a walk, just up Station Road and down one of the green lanes that run parallel with our street.

I find no interesting plants in flower, just the usual suspects of dead nettles, daisies, whitlow grass and dandelions. I snap the White Dead Nettle and that is it.

An evening walk Walking along the lane, with the breeze at my back is warm enough, but once I climb the bank to Collingwood, then go down to Fleet House and turn from home, its cool enough.

I meet our neighbours, Bev and Steve, on the way back: she is a Liverpool fan, he Sunderland. Exciting times for all our teams, though in three different divisions. They can hear me cheering, as I can hear them when Liverpool score.

An evening walk Such is life.

Have I walked through the oilseed they ask? No, but I will store that in my head.

Back home for five, and time on my own with the cats, as Jools now does yoga on Thursday evenings and will not be home until half seven. So I watch a documentary on the stone age, listen to some music, then prepare dinner. More stir fried pork and vegetables, which was pretty darn good. I have wine too, because Thursday.

The evening is given over to music, before my knacked back forces me to bed at nine to read, then Scully, snuggling up to me suggests its time to turn the lights out to sleep. Which I do.

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