Saturday 6 April 2019

Speaking with other Europeans

For the last three weeks, I have travelled for work, and meeting people who work for the customer or those in my own company, and they all had one thing in common: asking what the heck is going on with my country.

And what do I say?

It is madness.

I do get a feeling that there is some feeling among most of them that the EU is not perfect, but not enough to cut of your own leg, economically.

I tell them that what the EU needs to do more, is to publicise what it does for each and every European. Looks after them , negotiates trade, make sure dangerous goods and chemicals are kept under control, ensure that our own Governments live up to the promises they made of everyone's rights.

They ask me, what is going to happen. And I have to tell them I don't know.

But no deal won't happen?

It's the default option I tell them.

They look on boggled-eyed.

Whatever Brexiteers might tell you, most of Europe and the world looks on in horror is we impose economic sanctions upon ourselves.

This will not end well.

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