Friday 12 March 2021


It is convetion that if an MP, Minister or Prime Minister says something untrue or misleading on the floor of The House, then they have to correct the record (Hansard).

Our current Prime Minister has told either lies or said things that were not true on three consecutive PMQs, and yet he is yet to correct the record for any of these occasions.

Because these are conventions, rather than laws or in the constitution, there is no real comeback if he doesn't. The Speaker yesterday reminded all members that they should correct the record if it is wrong, but I'm not holding my breath.

Boris Johnson is a liar.

He was sacked as a journalist for making up quotes in an interview, with a member of his own family! He broke his wedding vows, won't say how many children he has fathered, lied about the effects of Brexit, and the Supreme Court found he had given the mOnarch unlawful advice.

He. Is. A. Liar.

And the funny thing is, most people know he is a liar. And don't care. The lying leader as seen to be doing so, not to decieve them, but to "own the Libs" or something.

Newspaper editors don't seem to care, maybe because most of close friends of Johnson still work in journalism.

And until we care that the truth matters, and that our elected leaders feel the same and that it isn't part of some fine old game to be won, and that not living up to conventions, we will be in this sht state, up the creek with Johnson as captain.

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