Saturday 20 March 2021

Vaccine nationalism rides again

Member states of the EU have their sovereignty, we can see this that several countries still are refusing to allow the AZ vaccine to be used.

This is despite the EU medine agency saying it is safe, and the risks are, if there are any, are worse in not taking it.

This is not an EU decision, but one taken by member states and some states that are not members of the EU at all. But that hasn't stopped many papers engaging in EU bashing this morning.

Does everything have to be viewed through Brexit-tinged spectacles?

THe EU suggested it would withold supplies of vaccines to the UK to boost it's own supplies, which we are told is bad. But India doing the same to the UK and EU is apparently OK. In fact the shortages stem from Inidia's decision, but let facts not get in the way of bashing the EU.

Most worryingly for me, is a colleague of mine said in a department meeting yesterday that he is nervous of the AZ vaccine because of the stories circulating about the clotting issues. I tried to point out that the levels of people who suffered clots is statistially tiny, and much less than a product like the borth control pill, and no one is suggesting not taking that.

So, whatever is going on in Europe is is clearly undermining public confidence not just in that vaccine but vaccines in general. Not sure why they have done this, but the deed is done, and the result could be rising infection rates again. Indeed, both France and Poland have imposed stricter lockdown restrictions in anticipation for a third wave.

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