Thursday 25 March 2021

Of course it makes sense

So, with every promise made of Brexit being broken, UK industries, exporters and citizens facing huge delays, cost and massive increase of paperwork.

And then with 126,000 dead, billions upon billions spaffed on PPE and failed track and trace, the Prime Minister comes up with the only common sense solution, and that it to make every Government building in Britain fly a Union Flad 24/7.

Of course, that will stop the impending break up of the union.

I have nothing about the flag in particular, but generally, when politicians get wrapped up in a flag, its usually not good news.

The flag is draped over the coffins of soldiers killed in the endless wars Governments have seen fit to involve us in, but Ginger Spice also had knickers made of one, so let us say what folks really mean. It only counts when they say it does.

Let them put a flag on every building, if they want, but have an inquiry into the disaster that is Brexit and another one into the Government response to COVID. Have them at the same time and I'll put them all up. Me and my back.

I am a quality professional, apparently, and one of the key things we lear is root cause analysis and lessons learned. Find out what went wrong, srt it out so it doesn't happen again.

THis might help now if there is to be a third, or is it fourth, wave here in the UK, learning what the shitgibbon did wrong before might mean we don't do it again and kill 20,000 people who otherwise might live.

Johnson has also spaffed £2,500,000 on a new conference/media briefing room. It looks like it was bough in Ikea. That a podium, four flags, chairs and a AV system with carpet and paint could run into seven figures is astonishing, but goes to show that conservatives like to spend taxpayer's money, but resent when the other side do. They all become fiscal sharks.

Well, Johnson in the end, might have spent £500 billion (£ 500,000,000,000) on COVID, and who do you think is going to pay for it? Not his mates in the city who bet against the UK in Brexit, but you and me. And Brexit on top of that. Thanks to, we can stimate that at £130,000,000,000. So, the UK economy is missing £630,000,000,000 since 2016.

And that's using US billions, by the way, a UK billion is 1 with twelve zeros.

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