Wednesday 10 March 2021

Time for tea and medals

Tonight, it emerged thanks to a tweet of a preview snippet of video, the Government has made a congratualary promotopnal film telling us all what a great job they have done.

I wish I were making this up.

And images of George Bush standing in front of that "mission accomplished" sign spring to mind.

The war, if that is what is it, is not yet won. We have had our D Day with the vaccine roll out, but there might yet be a battle of the bluge, where the virus mounts a rearguard fight, becoming cavvine resitant.

So, yes, let's celebrate the 125,000 deaths, the tens of billions of pounds spaffed against the wall, the lies told, the lives ruined, rights curtailed.

And to celebrate so early, when the fight is not yet won, is, well, sick.

A year ago, on the 12th, Johnson announced that his Government had given up on trying to contain the virus and he announced that many of us would lose loved once. I think he used the word "sadly".

But that was a political decision, one not to follow the science, but to follow his "nudge team", to go for herd immunity, not to lock down. That came when it was so late, he had condemmed 20,000 people to early deaths, on the 23rd of March.

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