Thursday 25 March 2021

Wednesday 24th March 2021

Today, was the first day of a three day audit, with at least four hours each day given over to an MS Teams meeting with five auditors and more from the department we were auditing.

It would be a dull day.


Its the usual start to the day: coffee and check the news and what has happened in the world via Twitter.

Nothing new, really.

Jools is all cught up again with work, so works in the garden some before heading out, as I start work at seven for an hour of meetings before the audit, another online meeting, would begin.

I try to break early to make a second coffee and breakfast before settling down and so the dance begins.

It lasts not quite the full four hours, and there was a break which I used to walk round the darn to check on the tadpoles and flowers. And take pictures.

Eighty three And back to work with some toast.

A little bit of toast.

And marmalade.

I mute the mic while I munch on thick, nearly burnt toast.

There is a ton of stuff to do after the audit, I mean its hard to know where to start, but as soon as you start, there are questions that need to be asked, and then another meeting, which lasts the full hour, and then a meeting with Kit from Chennai, its half eight in the evening there, and I am horrified she arranged a meeting for that time. Once the meeting ended I told her to turn of her computer.

Fritillaria imperialis I had done nearly nine hours, so I turn my computer off.

I turn round and I am being studied by at least three cats. Not Scully as she is on the naughty step, or in the naughty garden several houses away after she stalked and attacked Poppy again, though Poppy bounced back quickly this time, helped by some kitty kibbles.

Too cold and cloudy to go out, so I listen to the radio, write and when time comes, make dinner which was easy defrosted and reheated ragu with pasta and a small handmade stuffed focaccia loaf.

It should have been a dry day, but a meal such as that demanded wine.

I has wine.

I had been laying awake the previous morning from half three. Not bad shoulder, but wasn't that. Just my stupid brain started going, and all my usual tricks to send it to sleep, failed.

So, I did try to watch Finland play later in the evening, but it was a poor game, played on a poor Finnish pitch, it was 0-0 at half time with Bosnia, and little prospect of goals, even from Pukki. So, it came as no surprise to find I missed a cracking second half which ended 2-2 and Bosnia missing a penalty.

So it goes, so it goes.

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